NEU! plan4heat Erfassungsbogen
Mit wenigen Angaben über die Umgebungsbedingungen (Raumsituation) bzw. Planungssituation und den wichtigsten technischen Parametern wie zB die benötigte Leistung ermittelt plan4heat mit Hilfe des intelligenten Erfassungsbogen im optimalen Fall den passenden Kessel inklusive der notwendigen Austragungseinheit oder stellt eine Auswahl möglicher Kessel und Austragungseinheiten zur Verfügung. Der Anwender positioniert nur mehr die gewählten Artikel und plan4heat ermittelt automatisch die benötigten Komponenten und ergänzt die notwendigen Artikel in der Planung und allen notwendigen Dokumenten.
Screenshots plan4heat Erfassungsbogen
Plan4heat - sales support planning software to plan biomass heating systems
In a few easy to learn steps, you will have access to complete system planning and will receive all relevant documents at the touch of a button - starting with the complete customer quote through to a 3D representation of the planning situation, including a comprehensive plan of action which satisfies all relevant legal provisions.
First of all, the design of the rooms is begun. Here, you have the chance to plan the rooms using customisable templates using the "room assistant", or to draw in additional rooms or walls yourself. Drawing in individual walls can be done relatively easily with the mouse or the keyboard. To complete the room, you can choose to add floors, ceilings, doors, windows and dormers. If you add, for example, a floor, the surface and volume of the room are automatically calculated.
In the construction mode, you can create geometric objects such as squares, cubes and cylinders, place different surface materials on them and save them to use later. This makes it relatively simple to create restricted areas or barriers and to use them several times.
plan4heat offers planning for the full range of customers. Depending on the product dimensions supplied by the customer, products can be shown graphically on the plan or just on the list of materials. In any case, all products relevant to the system will be included in a final quote.
A particular highlight of the plan4heat is the automatic completion of boiler and extractor components. Initially, relevant items are included in the plan and positioned freely or on points which have already been measured. It is then possible to select the items and click on complete. The products are then combined with one another. The ensures that, for example, the planned screws can be combined at optimal or recommended storage lengths.
In the second variant of completion, the boiler and extractor are once again positioned in the plan. After both components have been selected, it is possible to generate "catch points". Using this method, all possible positions for the boiler are determined which provide the correct ascending screw in the available production lengths. Finally, at the touch of a button you can add the calculated ascending screw to the plan.
plan4heat also enables you to generate a wall break for the screw or a sliding plane and necessary angular frames.
Variant 1 |
Variant 2 |
Another highlight of plan4heat is the ability to plan the flexible cable for extractors by means of "pipe operators". The appropriate terminals on the boiler and vacuum extraction are marked at the beginning of plan, and from the very start can be planed into the room piece by piece. The pipe operator offers a wider variety of possible settings, such as determining the diameter of the pipe, its wall thickness and the radius of the curve. Geometric locks were also added to make planning of cables in the space as easy as possible.
Räume, die mit plan4heat über den Raumassistenten generiert werden, können per Tastendruck automatisch bemaßt werden. Alle raumrelevanten Maße werden direkt in die Planung eingezeichnet.
Die Form der Bemaßung kann je nach Belieben eingestellt werden. Texthöhe bzw. Abstand ist genauso änderbar wie die Endpunkte der Bemaßung, die Einheit oder die Hilfslinien.
Maße, die nicht automatisch generiert werden können, sind ohne viel Aufwand selbst von Hand einzuzeichnen.
The 3D representation will really help you on-site with your customers. They can get a clear impression of how the planned installation will look on their premises. It is also possible to move around the rooms simply by using the keyboard.
This makes it much easier for customers to imagine the new heating installation in their neighbourhood.
After the planning process has been successful completed, you will have a complete list of materials, in which all planned products including all product supplements set and relevant additional charges are listed. In the automatically generated list, you can also add relevant products manually when discussing the selection of items. You can update the prices, enter discounts for individual products, product groups or the whole plan, as well as being able to sort by category. Finally, you are also able to choose between a number of different quote layouts and print out a suitable layout for the customer or save it as a pdf.
Another feature of plan4heat is the creation of a complete plan of action which meets all of the provisions set down in law, including all necessary documents and descriptions directly on the plan.